Since 2011 I have been enamored with digital art. Drawing, digital paintings, photomanipulations, and all the in-between. I have worked hard to become adept with both physical and digital mediums but by far prefer digital!

Chrysanthemum Creations handles one of a kind, hand drawn, custom art. Illustrations, paintings, professional logo designs, and chibi art are my specialities.

I do take commissions for other types of digital art such as book cover design, and author branding that is a blend of manipulated and drawn. But that is not where my passions lie!

decoration wedding line modern vintage

E. M. Adams


From something as simple as the initial sketch, to the barest of bones that makes art shine, creativity is in the root of who I am. It literally oozes from my pores in the form of music, art, and the written word. No matter how hard I try to escape it will find its way back to me again and again.

I still have a digital copy of the very first sketch I ever completed on paper. My cousin was an aspiring artist much like myself and she had a book that talked about how to draw. We were both obsessed with horses and she helped me draw it out. I'll put it over on the left of the page here. That would have been sometime around 2009.

I have an avid love for music, creative arts, films, and books. I am a full-time author, and have taught piano lessons since I was 16 years old. I have been a published author since 2012, and full-time since 2022. Never stop reaching for your dreams!

I started Chrysanthemum Creations as an illustration/digital art business so I could pursue my love of digital design beyond the borders of authors. My previous business, I limited myself to only dealing with authors, I have many talents that extend beyond that which authors need!

The name Chrysanthemum was chosen to pay homage to my beautiful mother who fought a terrifying fight against stage-4 cancer. Chrysanthemum’s were her favorite flowers!

Lead pencil and white computer paper


decoration wedding line modern vintage


Art develops over time! These pieces are varying tiers and types but portray my current art skills! I have hundreds of these, if you don't see something similar here to what you are

looking for, feel free to shoot me an email!

Logo Designs

Business Branding

Website Portfolio

This isn't every website I've ever designed, but a couple of my favorites!

Cover Design

Chibi art

digital painting

NSFW Painting

More samples available soon

Red Heart Shape
Red Heart Shape

To see uncovered NSFW

shoot me an email!

Red Heart Shape



I do all of my work on a Huion Graphics Tablet (2023 Model) a no-battery touch stylus, with a Graphics Board heavy PC. I use PS 2024, Paint SAI, Lightroom, and I utilize brushes, and paint palletes from Etsy.

I purchase stock images from licensed stock sites such as adobe, shutterstock, or deposit photos.

decoration wedding line modern vintage


Each art piece will vary in price as each thing is its own type of art. This is a breakdown of my lowest price points, I will provide a free quote before any work is started!

Please note all prices are "starting from" meaning that your art may be substantially higher based on the level of work you need.

decoration wedding line modern vintage

Custom Book Cover

Starting from $85 - Cap $250 (Max price would be Advanced Illustration)

All humanoid/monster/fantasy characters count as “character”

Chibi Art

1 Character Basic - $45

2 Characters Not Touching/Posing Basic - $55

2 Characters Touching/Posing together Basic - $65

Animals - $8 each when included with character Basic ($45 alone)

Chibi Art Prices Cap at $125


Logo Design - $35

Full Branding (includes branding sheet with color scheme, suggested fonts, and fully designed logo w/2 mockups, 1 presized social media avatar, 1 presized social media banner) - Get your quote now!

Branding Prices Cap at $450 depending on exactly what you are looking for

Basic Website Creation/Design - $250

Advanced Website - $450

Digital Painting

Facial Only (stops at shoulders) - $55

Bust - $75

Full Body - $95

Additional Characters - $15 facial, $30 bust, $55 full body (only allowed if on same file)

NSFW - $120+

Painting Prices Cap at $300


Facial - $25

Bust - $45

Full - $65

Additional Character -$10 facial, $20 bust, $50 full

Advanced Sketch Prices Cap at +$10 per painting ($35, $45, $65, Respectively)

decoration wedding line modern vintage


Get in Touch with Mrs. Adams!

Get your artwork started now!

Turnaround time - Varies, average timeline will be disclosed in quote email!

Payment - 50% up front, 25% when mockups are sent, 25% when files are approved.

Licensing - Standard use licensing, extended use available upon request.

What if what I want isn’t available on the pricing sheet? - Shoot me an email! If I can paint it, I will let you know!

Etsy Shop - Chrysanthemum Creations

Email -

decoration wedding line modern vintage